Sunday, February 17, 2008


Today I decided to go paddle the Silver River again. This time I wanted to paddle the whole thing (About 10 miles roundtrip 5 miles upstream, 2 kts. of current) and I was looking for the wild Rhesus Monkeys. The story goes in the 1930's the concessionaire who ran the Jungle cruise boat ride imported the monkeys and placed them on an island. Of course they swam off the island. Now their offspring live in the woods and the surrounding areas.Foot in my mouth.
Look closely this little one has his foot in his mouth.

This one was looking for something at the waters edge.

This little baby carried this piece of grass up the tree and then proceeded to eat the soft bottom part. 

This male was watching to see if I was going to give any handouts. I was sorry to disappoint. I was however happy to take lots of pictures.
That concludes the monkey post. I have some more pictures and will post them tomorrow. I had a great paddle today I was on the river for about 7 hours today and actually got quite a bit of sun. I didn't remember to bring sunscreen. Have to add that to the checklist. 


Dave said...

Great monkey pictures

Anonymous said...

Really good photo's of the monkeys. I enjoy your Blogg.